Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shalom....Jerusalem, here I come!!

Well, the day is finally here, and I honestly cannot believe it!  I remember looking at my calendar a month ago and thinking that this day would never come...well it has!  And as many can attest--a little too soon! Ha I had a bit of a struggle packing, but with the help of some great friends I think I got the job done! :) I am off to the Holy Land for a semester abroad. I cannot wait!!! I will be able to maintain this blog while I am there, but Facebook is a no-go.  So just in case you want to get in touch with me, us one of three options:

1) send me an email!

2) write me by snail mail! (expect 7-10 days until I'll get it)
   Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies
   Brielle Kern
   P.O. Box 19604
   Jerusalem, 91196 ISRAEL

3) or if you're feeling REALLY ambitious and missing me...send me a package, padded envelope with surprise, etc! (Alison I really love Twix, Reeses, and love letters)
   Jerusalem Center for the Near Eastern Studies
   Brielle Kern
   Located on Mt. Scopus
   Near Augusta Victoria Hospital
   Jerusalem, 91196 ISRAEL

Isn't that address legit? Haha i wish our addresses were like that in the U.S.! Ha one thing is for sure, that I'll miss my wonderful friends and family!  Here's some visual shout outs to some of the people who helped me get ready and who I love.

I am the luckiest girl in the world because I get to nanny these three beautiful babies!! Henry, Cole, and Ava (from left to right) make my life so happy and I'm going to miss them so much!

Sometimes it's hard to take pictures.

 Two of the other kids I nanny: Grace and Max. What cuties!

 Lovely packing, Maddie. Thank you!

 I love you best friend! You'll be the greatest missionary! Make me proud :)
Sorry that was a lot of pictures, but I don't really know if I'll be able to put pictures up so this may be it for a while! Alas, it is early in the morning and I still need to pack last minute things. Haha I love you all! Thanks for your support! :) I'll see you in 4 months!!! Love, Braille